5 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi



The morphology of the city is discussed the terms of space, configuration of urban form and layout pattern, which also be seperated in modernist and traditional, according to the creation of the places and buildings.
Urban designers, as they should be considering the patterns in local, will be analysing the land uses, structures, plot patterns and street patterns to create, develop, improve a creation within the inputs of existing.
Land use, which is oftenly a temporary character in the physical world, can be a definitive element in such conditions realized within relocation, redevelopment issues. Although adaptation or conversion of existing system is possible due to the change in the land use; demolition or plot amalgamation, redevelopment are also the consequences of the land use actions.
Building structures on the other hand, are more dominant in the urban environment. Since the traditional pattern to modern environment, the street and urban scape has merely changed except the spaces that has high robustness, which means they tend to adapt the upcoming conversion or change easily.
The most important elements of the urban environment are the plot pattern and the street pattern. The combination of these two creates the structure of the circulation and physical pattern of the city. The process of the change in the cities from these properties of plot and street forms, palimsest can be used to define this situation, where the new coming uses do not erase the marks of the existing use.
The important point when analysing an environment, with certain qualities is the permeability qualitiy. This defines the opportunuties that an environment, offers for its residents to read the city and acces the different points in different ways and make the city more vital.
In the modern environment, the settlement principles has changed radically. Different from the traditional thought, the buildings has been enlarged where the streetscape has lost its character between those bigger plots and free-standing structures. The super-block structures named as “pods” resulted with more isolated residents circulating between blocks. The mobility movement with the car invasion through the city life has also effected the loss of the street life in the cities.
The necessity of the streets for social and physical interact between individuals in the city to accomodate more healty environment, emerged new thought to develop a design concerning the necessities both of the individuals in modern time, and of the city for social and physical environment.

Murat Çevikayak

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