This article focuses on the morphological dimension of urban design ;that is the layout and configuration of urban form and space and referred to traditional and modernist urban space system.Morphology provides urban designers to understandlocal patterns of development and processes of change.there several key elements for terms of setlements.Conzen considered four elements that are land uses, building structures, plot pattern and street pattern.
On the cotrary other key elements, the land uses are temporary. The changing uses lead to redevolopment and creation of new buildings and changes in the street pattern.
The building structures areleast resilient element same as land uses.plot have often a recognisable progression or cycle of building development.
The figure –ground diagrams shows differencee between traditional and modernist urban spaces. İn this diagram, the important point is that in the tarditional pattern buildings defined urban spaces and have some civic significance as religious or major public buildings, in modernist pattern buildings separate pavillions freestanding in a more generalised type of road and a coarsely meshed road grid.
Symbolic and financial buildings will last longer than others for a variety reasons.on the other hand other buildings survive only if they are able to adapt to new or changing uses.
The buildings of plots change more rapidly than plot patterns. Cadastral units are typically subdivided or platted into plots or lots. Plots are often amalgamated, but more rarely subdivided.
the cadastral pattern is the layout of urban blocks and,between them, the public space/movement channels or public this part, term ‘palimpsest’ is an important metaphor for processes of change, where current uses overwrite, but naot completelly erase, the Marks of prior use. The other importance is permeability for urban design quality, establishe by cadastral can be use like a measure of opportunity movement and related accesibility.permeability requares two measure elements that are visiual and phisical permeability.visiual refers to the ağabeylity to see the routes through an environment, phisical refers to the ability to move through an environment. blocks that is on the street define measure of permeability.for example, smaller bloks increase visiual permeability. Another thing that should be concerned is urban grids that are defomed in cours of time. The urban grid’s structure is the most powerful single determinant of urban movement.
The cadastral pattern establishes an urban area’s public network and is a key element in the broader concept of the capital web. Capital web requares public anad privite properties and provides to accomodates the overlapping realms of mpvement space and social space.
The traditional understanding relates to between social life and phisical enviroment and traditional pattern of urban space, building structures composes definete streets and also squares,. On the other hand in modernist urban space pattern building structures transforms to be an object in the undefined space.
6 Haziran 2008 Cuma
5 Haziran 2008 Perşembe
This article focuses on the development process in the Project and urban desıgners lacking awareness about this process. And this issue is mentioned under four main sactions as land and property development, the development piple model, development roles and actors and development quality.
Land and Property Development process involves combination of various inputs; Land, Labour, Materials, Finance in order to achieve an output and product in ordar to achive an output or product.This is a classic entrepreneur system.İn this process risk and reward sre important part that drives process.The product is a change of land use and a new or altered building, intended to have higher value than the cost of the transformation. Mıcheal Ball clarifies this process as a function of social relations specific to time and place, involving a variety of key actors suc as landowners, investors, financiers, developers, bulders etc.
In this article , four models provide us to understand this process more easly.These :
Equilibrum Models:Development activity is originated economic signals about effective demand.
Event-sequence Model:focused on the management of stages in the development process.
Agency Models: focusedn the actors and their relationships in the development process.
Institutional Models:focused on organise the relationships and drive the dynamics of process.
The development piple model is an event sequence model that includes urban designers actions such as acting for developer, acting for public sector and satge as development pressure and prospects, development feasibilty and implementation. İn this model summerises urban desıgners role at eachother. The external influences creates development pressure and prospespects which tigger activity within the pipeline. İn the development feasibility is tested in five ways. The first way is ownership constraints that are known from developers. Multiple ownership carry out the Project. Otherwise public sector can be used to facilitate land assembly. Secand way is phisical conditions that determines whether the site can accommodate the proposed development, its phisicah conditions are assessed.A good urban form might be internal and and might limit or determine density, massing and height, guided by. The third way is public procedures that relate to the site and proposed development must be assessedi including the likelihood of obtaining planning/development consent.Contents may also be requared for a range of issues pertaining to land and property ownership; conversation; diversion and actions. The other two ways of development feasibility are market condition and poject viability.
In the developmet process, it is important to identify the actors and development roles in the Project.And two terms are mentioned hat are agency and structure.Agency is the term for rhe way in which development actors define and pursue their strategies, interests and actions, Structure consisting of the economic and political activity and prevalling values, that frame individual decision-making. There are various actors that are developers, landowner,adjacent landowner, funders and investors, funders, funders and investors,development advisers, builders, occupiers, the public sector and last one is community in this article. Defferent actors perform different roles in the dvelopment process. Althouh, fort he purpose of analysis, roles are considered individually, in practice a single actor often performans several roles.
In coclusion, in development process each actors have different thoughts and role in urban projent. These differences effect quality of urban design. In the absence of mechanisms , in contrast to higher architectural quality will be compensated that investment in quality will be compansated by addiitional value.
Land and Property Development process involves combination of various inputs; Land, Labour, Materials, Finance in order to achieve an output and product in ordar to achive an output or product.This is a classic entrepreneur system.İn this process risk and reward sre important part that drives process.The product is a change of land use and a new or altered building, intended to have higher value than the cost of the transformation. Mıcheal Ball clarifies this process as a function of social relations specific to time and place, involving a variety of key actors suc as landowners, investors, financiers, developers, bulders etc.
In this article , four models provide us to understand this process more easly.These :
Equilibrum Models:Development activity is originated economic signals about effective demand.
Event-sequence Model:focused on the management of stages in the development process.
Agency Models: focusedn the actors and their relationships in the development process.
Institutional Models:focused on organise the relationships and drive the dynamics of process.
The development piple model is an event sequence model that includes urban designers actions such as acting for developer, acting for public sector and satge as development pressure and prospects, development feasibilty and implementation. İn this model summerises urban desıgners role at eachother. The external influences creates development pressure and prospespects which tigger activity within the pipeline. İn the development feasibility is tested in five ways. The first way is ownership constraints that are known from developers. Multiple ownership carry out the Project. Otherwise public sector can be used to facilitate land assembly. Secand way is phisical conditions that determines whether the site can accommodate the proposed development, its phisicah conditions are assessed.A good urban form might be internal and and might limit or determine density, massing and height, guided by. The third way is public procedures that relate to the site and proposed development must be assessedi including the likelihood of obtaining planning/development consent.Contents may also be requared for a range of issues pertaining to land and property ownership; conversation; diversion and actions. The other two ways of development feasibility are market condition and poject viability.
In the developmet process, it is important to identify the actors and development roles in the Project.And two terms are mentioned hat are agency and structure.Agency is the term for rhe way in which development actors define and pursue their strategies, interests and actions, Structure consisting of the economic and political activity and prevalling values, that frame individual decision-making. There are various actors that are developers, landowner,adjacent landowner, funders and investors, funders, funders and investors,development advisers, builders, occupiers, the public sector and last one is community in this article. Defferent actors perform different roles in the dvelopment process. Althouh, fort he purpose of analysis, roles are considered individually, in practice a single actor often performans several roles.
In coclusion, in development process each actors have different thoughts and role in urban projent. These differences effect quality of urban design. In the absence of mechanisms , in contrast to higher architectural quality will be compensated that investment in quality will be compansated by addiitional value.
The Temporal Dimension
This article concerns the temporal or time dimension of urban design. İn circulation of time, space turns into a lived-in places.Kevin Lynch focuses on two ways to experience the passage of time.These ways are rhytmic repetiton and progressive and irreversible change.Time and sapce particularly related. For Patrick, Geddes, a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.
İn this artichle three temporal dimensions are discussed. These are;
Time Cycle
The Time Management of Public Space
The Time Management of Public Space
The first dimension is time cycle which is based on natural rhytmic repetition. This process is to form of cycle and affects sleeping and waking and other bodily cycles.Except these, time cycle to originates Earth’s rotation, seasons, rotation around the sun, daytime etc. And also at different times of day and night, the urban enviroment is used different users and different activities.So changing rhtyms of time is significant part of urban design for understanding a life in a day of a space. On the other hand some of time cycles by which we structure our lives have less relation to natural cycles. Zerubavel argues that much of our daily lives is structured according to ‘mechanic time’. These are dictated by svhedule, the celander and the clock.
The secand dimension is The Time Management of Public Space.Mixed uses have generally been advocted on the basis that they creat more life and activity in a location. Different land uses and activity must also concidered in temporal terms. İn different times, different activities provides spaces to used more time and people.So Urban designers can understand activity patternsi how to encourage activities through different time periods and how to achive synergies from activities happening in the same space and time. On the other hand, montgomery stresses that attention to the soft infrastacture of events, programmes and activities is as impotant for sucsesful urban animation as the hard infrastructure of buildings, spaces, streets design.
Another important part to concerned about safely urban spaces. People choose attractive and safe public realm. And there is dead period in city. This time generally is working hours.this stiation arises from 24 hour economy.
The march of time is mentioned about changing of environments. Environments and buildings are shaped by thecnological, economic, social and cultural change.All time physical fabric of a place changes it history. İn this way it becames part of history.Until Industrial Revolution cities were changing in its natural processes but war and destruction provide scale of change to increase.City growth has became mechanical.Then in 1945, slum clearance programmes became. And scale of change was continuitly increase.By the mid 1960s, the social effects were becaming evident and conversation and protection terms oin the areas were exposed. According to contemporary concept of urban place, the unique places and historic environments, buildings must conserve. İn the part of conservation Desdall list more common justifications;Value for aesthetic Value for architectural diversity and contrast.Value for environmental Value for functional diversityResource Value Value for Continuity of cultural memory and heritageEconomic Value Commercial Value
The overlapping concepts o resilience and robustrness are sometimes used interchangeablely, There are impotant differences, however. Resilience is the ağabeylity to resist change wihout undeu deformation: that is, it resists phisical and structure obsolescence. Robutness is the ağabeylity to accommodate change without significiant in physical form. It resists functional obsolescence.Under all these interventions fundamental point is management.
İn this artichle three temporal dimensions are discussed. These are;
Time Cycle
The Time Management of Public Space
The Time Management of Public Space
The first dimension is time cycle which is based on natural rhytmic repetition. This process is to form of cycle and affects sleeping and waking and other bodily cycles.Except these, time cycle to originates Earth’s rotation, seasons, rotation around the sun, daytime etc. And also at different times of day and night, the urban enviroment is used different users and different activities.So changing rhtyms of time is significant part of urban design for understanding a life in a day of a space. On the other hand some of time cycles by which we structure our lives have less relation to natural cycles. Zerubavel argues that much of our daily lives is structured according to ‘mechanic time’. These are dictated by svhedule, the celander and the clock.
The secand dimension is The Time Management of Public Space.Mixed uses have generally been advocted on the basis that they creat more life and activity in a location. Different land uses and activity must also concidered in temporal terms. İn different times, different activities provides spaces to used more time and people.So Urban designers can understand activity patternsi how to encourage activities through different time periods and how to achive synergies from activities happening in the same space and time. On the other hand, montgomery stresses that attention to the soft infrastacture of events, programmes and activities is as impotant for sucsesful urban animation as the hard infrastructure of buildings, spaces, streets design.
Another important part to concerned about safely urban spaces. People choose attractive and safe public realm. And there is dead period in city. This time generally is working hours.this stiation arises from 24 hour economy.
The march of time is mentioned about changing of environments. Environments and buildings are shaped by thecnological, economic, social and cultural change.All time physical fabric of a place changes it history. İn this way it becames part of history.Until Industrial Revolution cities were changing in its natural processes but war and destruction provide scale of change to increase.City growth has became mechanical.Then in 1945, slum clearance programmes became. And scale of change was continuitly increase.By the mid 1960s, the social effects were becaming evident and conversation and protection terms oin the areas were exposed. According to contemporary concept of urban place, the unique places and historic environments, buildings must conserve. İn the part of conservation Desdall list more common justifications;Value for aesthetic Value for architectural diversity and contrast.Value for environmental Value for functional diversityResource Value Value for Continuity of cultural memory and heritageEconomic Value Commercial Value
The overlapping concepts o resilience and robustrness are sometimes used interchangeablely, There are impotant differences, however. Resilience is the ağabeylity to resist change wihout undeu deformation: that is, it resists phisical and structure obsolescence. Robutness is the ağabeylity to accommodate change without significiant in physical form. It resists functional obsolescence.Under all these interventions fundamental point is management.
This article discusses types of contexts that are local, global, market and regulatory.these are related to alla re of urban desıgn action. At the same time these contexts can be changed over time but they are relatively fived and typically outside the scope of the urban designer. Important point is that they have to be accepted as givens. They also underpin and inform the discussions the dimensions of urban design.however there is an important problem , while urban designers can make discussions about a devolopment’s form or visual appearance, they cannot change the fact that is stiuated in a particular local and global context, or that it occurs whitin a market economy that is regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
local contextUrban design action involves public realm strategy and development of project. These include site and site plus. At the same time these are part of context of area.İn general, the larger the Project, the greater its scope to control or create its own context.Each place’s unique quality can be its most precious design resource, with urban designers frequently operating within established, generally
Complex, and often delicate contexts.Areas of highly unified character generally requare more respectful responses, while areas of low environmental quality offer greater opportunity for the creation of new character.Most areas fall between these extremes. Equally, while not of particular historic or aesthetic quality, they may also be valued for their social or cultural qualities.
The concept of context requare not only immadiate surroundings but also whole city.İt included topography, land value, patterns of land use and microclimate, history and symbolic significance etc.İmportant point is that understanding local sococultural contexts and cultural differences.Because people use the built envoroment. On the other hand, people choices create distinctive local cultures that shape and reinforce their enviroments.And the other one is technology that provides new opportunities.However we are less conscious of it is actually happining and more aware in retrospect.
global contextlocal and global are related to eachother. Local actions have global impacts and consequences, while global actions have local impacts and consequances. Local and global contexts have dialectical relationship. this article discusses impact on design decisions at many levels that are the integration of new development with existing built form and infrastructure, the range of uses a development contains, site layout and design and the design of individual buildings.
the concept of sustainable development includes not only environmental, but also economic and social sustainability.Urban designers need to have regard to social impacts and long term economic viability, as well as environmental impacts.
Adevelopment’s environmental impact can be likened to footprint.More sustainable urban design involves reducing the total environmental footprint.consequence Lang assuming that thecnology will always find an answer, urban designers should take an envirimentally begin position, designing flexible. Even thought, in the short term, people are likely to continue to use their cars.
The market& regulatory contextİn these two context contexts focus on different sides of the same coin. As most of us live in market economies, most urban design actions occure within a context based on fundemental forces of supply and demand.Hence, urban design actions typically occur in market economies that are regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
To operate effectively, urban design practitioners need to understand the financial and economic processes by which places and developments came about.
The regulatory context is macro govermental context, which provides the overall context fort he detailed elaboration of public policy, includibg urban design policy and the operation of design control.
An important part of the regulatory context is the balance public and private sectors. Depending on the sectoral viewpoint, development will often be perceived differently.
local contextUrban design action involves public realm strategy and development of project. These include site and site plus. At the same time these are part of context of area.İn general, the larger the Project, the greater its scope to control or create its own context.Each place’s unique quality can be its most precious design resource, with urban designers frequently operating within established, generally
Complex, and often delicate contexts.Areas of highly unified character generally requare more respectful responses, while areas of low environmental quality offer greater opportunity for the creation of new character.Most areas fall between these extremes. Equally, while not of particular historic or aesthetic quality, they may also be valued for their social or cultural qualities.
The concept of context requare not only immadiate surroundings but also whole city.İt included topography, land value, patterns of land use and microclimate, history and symbolic significance etc.İmportant point is that understanding local sococultural contexts and cultural differences.Because people use the built envoroment. On the other hand, people choices create distinctive local cultures that shape and reinforce their enviroments.And the other one is technology that provides new opportunities.However we are less conscious of it is actually happining and more aware in retrospect.
global contextlocal and global are related to eachother. Local actions have global impacts and consequences, while global actions have local impacts and consequances. Local and global contexts have dialectical relationship. this article discusses impact on design decisions at many levels that are the integration of new development with existing built form and infrastructure, the range of uses a development contains, site layout and design and the design of individual buildings.
the concept of sustainable development includes not only environmental, but also economic and social sustainability.Urban designers need to have regard to social impacts and long term economic viability, as well as environmental impacts.
Adevelopment’s environmental impact can be likened to footprint.More sustainable urban design involves reducing the total environmental footprint.consequence Lang assuming that thecnology will always find an answer, urban designers should take an envirimentally begin position, designing flexible. Even thought, in the short term, people are likely to continue to use their cars.
The market& regulatory contextİn these two context contexts focus on different sides of the same coin. As most of us live in market economies, most urban design actions occure within a context based on fundemental forces of supply and demand.Hence, urban design actions typically occur in market economies that are regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
To operate effectively, urban design practitioners need to understand the financial and economic processes by which places and developments came about.
The regulatory context is macro govermental context, which provides the overall context fort he detailed elaboration of public policy, includibg urban design policy and the operation of design control.
An important part of the regulatory context is the balance public and private sectors. Depending on the sectoral viewpoint, development will often be perceived differently.
This article focus on the central of problem of design theory: what is the source of an architect’s design ideas? And How is this idea generated, What influence its shape, from what is derived? This is the most importan question for urban theory. Otherwise, the theory try to explore what important theorists from the ancient world to the present have offered as the source of architectural form.and then it is also examine these theories within the broader context of the history of western philisopy. The following cahpter, İt also mentions five theories thatprovide the conceptual foundations for most of historical theories.
The first theory is that an architectural form is shaped by its intended this theory, intension function is important for this process.İt cab be include social, symbolic, psychological and physical function.According to this theory, designer must find latently informations that are about client’s needs, climotological conditions, community value.However the theory of function alone cannot explain these other influences on the buildings form.
The secand theory is that architectural form is generated within the creative imagination. İn this theory, intuition of designer is important for ancreation of original form. So an original form never before seen magically blossoms in the brain and emerges from the pencil.
The third theory is that Architectural form is shaped by the prevailing spirit of the age. İn this theory, the period time is important in process of design. So ever age can give different things than preceding time.
The fourth theory is that Architectural form is determined by the prevailing social and economic conditions.this theory mentions some forces which effect designer.this forces are identified the methods of economic production and distribution prevalent in architect’s society.
The five theory is that Architectural form derives from timeless principles of form that tanscend particular designers, cultures and climates.this theory mentions about an universal form in architecture and it isn’t important what the particular cicumstances of the design problem, designer or culture.
All of these theories aren’t able to persuade about sourch of design ideas. So there is a paradox in Western theories of design.they can’t explain some issue that are related to eachother. These issues are to explain the creative individual in the generation, coercive influences, universally appplicable an timeless buity.These can’t explain completaly.And on the other hand there is an important problem that is subject-object in the design process.
The first theory is that an architectural form is shaped by its intended this theory, intension function is important for this process.İt cab be include social, symbolic, psychological and physical function.According to this theory, designer must find latently informations that are about client’s needs, climotological conditions, community value.However the theory of function alone cannot explain these other influences on the buildings form.
The secand theory is that architectural form is generated within the creative imagination. İn this theory, intuition of designer is important for ancreation of original form. So an original form never before seen magically blossoms in the brain and emerges from the pencil.
The third theory is that Architectural form is shaped by the prevailing spirit of the age. İn this theory, the period time is important in process of design. So ever age can give different things than preceding time.
The fourth theory is that Architectural form is determined by the prevailing social and economic conditions.this theory mentions some forces which effect designer.this forces are identified the methods of economic production and distribution prevalent in architect’s society.
The five theory is that Architectural form derives from timeless principles of form that tanscend particular designers, cultures and climates.this theory mentions about an universal form in architecture and it isn’t important what the particular cicumstances of the design problem, designer or culture.
All of these theories aren’t able to persuade about sourch of design ideas. So there is a paradox in Western theories of design.they can’t explain some issue that are related to eachother. These issues are to explain the creative individual in the generation, coercive influences, universally appplicable an timeless buity.These can’t explain completaly.And on the other hand there is an important problem that is subject-object in the design process.
İn this article Thomas W. Schurch try to define urban design and determine status of urban design as a field or profession.ın addition,purpose of this article to answer the question: wht defines urban design today?
According to literature, in 1960s. Jon Lang mentioned that name of urban design is replaced civic design. The latter can be associated with American City Beatiful Movement of nineteenth century.However, today meaning of urban design isn’t clarity.There ara different deffinitions. For example, Kevin Lynch says that ıf it exists, ‘city design’ is thought to be branch of architecture.Similarly, David Mackay thought that easy than writing and its placed between planning and architecture. On the otherwise, Alan Kreditor says that we know what it is not.
In conclusion, the litherature contains some agreement as to what defines urban design. These catagories are :
Fundamental, superficial and cursory
Qualitative and prescriptive
Then Schurch gives a practical consideration and tell about thresholds of scale.Associated with the various venues is the issue of quality of life, particularly in terms of the public realm. Urban design practice can be grouped into five interrelated Project scale :1-the site-specific scale of an individual land parcel, 2-Neighbourhood of district, 3-An entire city, 4-The region in which a city lies, 5-Corridors in these group, schurch tries to find where urban design belongs such as architecture, planning or landscape architecture.
In conclusion, there must also be a development of theory born from practice whiche establishes the field’s boundaries. A field can also be a reconstitution of issues, concerns and questions as reflected in landscape architecture’s and urban planing’s partial evolution from architecture.And important point of article to cocern that urban design not be narrowly percieved as an extention of any one profession or area, and that it is clearly defined.
According to literature, in 1960s. Jon Lang mentioned that name of urban design is replaced civic design. The latter can be associated with American City Beatiful Movement of nineteenth century.However, today meaning of urban design isn’t clarity.There ara different deffinitions. For example, Kevin Lynch says that ıf it exists, ‘city design’ is thought to be branch of architecture.Similarly, David Mackay thought that easy than writing and its placed between planning and architecture. On the otherwise, Alan Kreditor says that we know what it is not.
In conclusion, the litherature contains some agreement as to what defines urban design. These catagories are :
Fundamental, superficial and cursory
Qualitative and prescriptive
Then Schurch gives a practical consideration and tell about thresholds of scale.Associated with the various venues is the issue of quality of life, particularly in terms of the public realm. Urban design practice can be grouped into five interrelated Project scale :1-the site-specific scale of an individual land parcel, 2-Neighbourhood of district, 3-An entire city, 4-The region in which a city lies, 5-Corridors in these group, schurch tries to find where urban design belongs such as architecture, planning or landscape architecture.
In conclusion, there must also be a development of theory born from practice whiche establishes the field’s boundaries. A field can also be a reconstitution of issues, concerns and questions as reflected in landscape architecture’s and urban planing’s partial evolution from architecture.And important point of article to cocern that urban design not be narrowly percieved as an extention of any one profession or area, and that it is clearly defined.
Urban design process is taken over architectural and planning methods in this article. Urban design method is presented here as a simple progression starting with goal formation and ending with techniques of implementation. The main detail is design process is not linear, it is dialectical. Here, urban design method like planning method is related to main theoretical schools thought; public action in development and concerns feedbacks.
First of all, article examines design proocess over the RIBA practice and management handbook and according to this book design process is divided into four phases as assimilation,general study, development and communication. The process is examined under defined sequences like analysis,synthesis, appraisal and desicion. Main difference between architectural and planning process is defined as feed-back. In planning method, process concerns about a large city areas and giving desicions for whole. At that point in some cases while appraisel can effect analysis, analysis can affect desicion. To understand the role of concept in design and its relations it is examined under five principle of scientific method; body of theory, hypothesis, observations, emprical generalizations and body of desicion. Designers have been known o start the whole process with ideas for change and intervention where the scientific method hypothesis are formed, or may start with survey and data collection. It is classic procedure. However, urban design includes creative thinking and innovations.
Urban design method is an interative process, cyclical in nature. As it is mentioned above urban design method is related to the main theoretical schools thought and public action in development. The fundamental point in urban design process is the generation of ideas and design concept. For urban design method synoptic planning is the most appraciate category because of including the process of implementation with its techniques for feedback of information.
To sum up, public participation is a procedure which cam illuminate genuine alternative development strategies suggessted by people with a specialist local knowledge. With these caveats it apperas that the synoptic method of design advocated in this book is an appropraiate tool for delivering sustainable development.
Murat ÇEVİKAYAK-152002001
Urban design process is taken over architectural and planning methods in this article. Urban design method is presented here as a simple progression starting with goal formation and ending with techniques of implementation. The main detail is design process is not linear, it is dialectical. Here, urban design method like planning method is related to main theoretical schools thought; public action in development and concerns feedbacks.
First of all, article examines design proocess over the RIBA practice and management handbook and according to this book design process is divided into four phases as assimilation,general study, development and communication. The process is examined under defined sequences like analysis,synthesis, appraisal and desicion. Main difference between architectural and planning process is defined as feed-back. In planning method, process concerns about a large city areas and giving desicions for whole. At that point in some cases while appraisel can effect analysis, analysis can affect desicion. To understand the role of concept in design and its relations it is examined under five principle of scientific method; body of theory, hypothesis, observations, emprical generalizations and body of desicion. Designers have been known o start the whole process with ideas for change and intervention where the scientific method hypothesis are formed, or may start with survey and data collection. It is classic procedure. However, urban design includes creative thinking and innovations.
Urban design method is an interative process, cyclical in nature. As it is mentioned above urban design method is related to the main theoretical schools thought and public action in development. The fundamental point in urban design process is the generation of ideas and design concept. For urban design method synoptic planning is the most appraciate category because of including the process of implementation with its techniques for feedback of information.
To sum up, public participation is a procedure which cam illuminate genuine alternative development strategies suggessted by people with a specialist local knowledge. With these caveats it apperas that the synoptic method of design advocated in this book is an appropraiate tool for delivering sustainable development.
Murat ÇEVİKAYAK-152002001
In this article the main point is design process and importance of scientific method in urban design. The process is explained over the oth architectural and planning design process, by this way new creative methods and process are tried to be appeared.
The RIBA practice and management handbook divides process into four phases as assimilation,general study, development and communication. The process is examined under defined sequences like analysis,synthesis, appraisal and desicion. Main difference between architectural and planning process is defined as feed-back. In planning method, process concerns about a large city areas and giving desicions for whole. At that point in some cases while appraisel can effect analysis, analysis can affect desicion
In design process also concept has an important role. In order to understand the role of concepts in design and their relationship it is useful to examine five principle scientific method; body of theory whic related to area, hypotheses which explains the phenomena studied, observations, emprical generalizations which derived directly from unique set of observation and body of desicion which contains acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses. For designers the point that scientific method hypotheses are formed or design process with survey and data collection is important for interventions. At the core of scientific method is asking the right questions because it is defining the problem which is the art of design. Besides this, applying the correct method can effect the whole solutions.
Urban design method is presented here as a simple progression starting with goal formation and ending with techniques of implementation. However design process is not linear, it is dialectical. Urban design method like planning method is related to main theoretical schools thought; public action in development. Here five categories as the synoptic, incremental, transactive, advocacy-oriented and radical traditions are defined and the method advocated here for urban design is very much in synoptic traditions of planning. It is apropriate at this method for the delivery of sustainable development and environmentally sound procedures in urban design.Synoptic planning is particularly well suited to the promotion of global and national environmental concerns and also the promotion of justice in the distribution of goods.
In this article the main point is design process and importance of scientific method in urban design. The process is explained over the oth architectural and planning design process, by this way new creative methods and process are tried to be appeared.
The RIBA practice and management handbook divides process into four phases as assimilation,general study, development and communication. The process is examined under defined sequences like analysis,synthesis, appraisal and desicion. Main difference between architectural and planning process is defined as feed-back. In planning method, process concerns about a large city areas and giving desicions for whole. At that point in some cases while appraisel can effect analysis, analysis can affect desicion
In design process also concept has an important role. In order to understand the role of concepts in design and their relationship it is useful to examine five principle scientific method; body of theory whic related to area, hypotheses which explains the phenomena studied, observations, emprical generalizations which derived directly from unique set of observation and body of desicion which contains acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses. For designers the point that scientific method hypotheses are formed or design process with survey and data collection is important for interventions. At the core of scientific method is asking the right questions because it is defining the problem which is the art of design. Besides this, applying the correct method can effect the whole solutions.
Urban design method is presented here as a simple progression starting with goal formation and ending with techniques of implementation. However design process is not linear, it is dialectical. Urban design method like planning method is related to main theoretical schools thought; public action in development. Here five categories as the synoptic, incremental, transactive, advocacy-oriented and radical traditions are defined and the method advocated here for urban design is very much in synoptic traditions of planning. It is apropriate at this method for the delivery of sustainable development and environmentally sound procedures in urban design.Synoptic planning is particularly well suited to the promotion of global and national environmental concerns and also the promotion of justice in the distribution of goods.
3 Haziran 2008 Salı
8th Week Summary Submission_2
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
8th Week Summary Submission
The Morphological Dimension
In this article discusses urban morphology which is the configuration of form and space. There are two types of urban space system, which are referred to “traditional” and “modernist”. Four morphological elements as land uses, building structures, plot pattern and street pattern are mentioned by morphologist Conzen emphasizing the the differences stability of them.
Compared with the other elements, land uses are temporary. Incoming uses often lead to redeevelopment, creation new buildings and to plot amalgations, less often to subdivisions and changes in the street pattern. By contrast, displaced land uses are more likely to relocate to existing buildings in older areas, rather than developing them.
The most important elements of the urban environment are the plot pattern and the cadastral pattern. Typically subdivided ito plots or lots. As plots have been amalgamated to enable the construction of larger buildings, plot sizes have become larger. This process usually occours in one direction only: plots are often amalgamated, but more rarely subdivided. Cadastral pattern is the layout of urban blocks and the public place-movement channels or network between them. The blocks define the space, or the space define the blocks. “Palimpsest” is used as a metaphor for process of changes where current users overwrite, not completely erase, the marks of prior use. An important urban design quality established by the cadastral pattern is that of “permeability” meaning the extent to which an environment allows a choice of routes either through or within it. This is measured by “accessibility”. Visiual permeabilitiy refers to the ability to see the routes through an environment, while physical permeability refers to the ability to move through an environment. In some cases there may be visual but not physical permeability and vice versa. Finely meshed grids offer many different ways to get from place to place within the grid. If grid becomes discontinuous through the severing of connections ad the creation of dead ends, permeability is reduced.
Changes and reactions in morphological structure of public space has led to a shift towards the qualities of traditional urban space. The layout and configuration of urba block structure is important both in determining the pattern of movement and in setting parameters for development. The size and the shape of urban blocks contribute significantly to an environment’s character. Block sizes can be determined by the local context.
As mentioned above, this article focused on form and layout. In general terms, it has showed and discussed block patterns and grid system.
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
8th Week Summary Submission
The Morphological Dimension
In this article discusses urban morphology which is the configuration of form and space. There are two types of urban space system, which are referred to “traditional” and “modernist”. Four morphological elements as land uses, building structures, plot pattern and street pattern are mentioned by morphologist Conzen emphasizing the the differences stability of them.
Compared with the other elements, land uses are temporary. Incoming uses often lead to redeevelopment, creation new buildings and to plot amalgations, less often to subdivisions and changes in the street pattern. By contrast, displaced land uses are more likely to relocate to existing buildings in older areas, rather than developing them.
The most important elements of the urban environment are the plot pattern and the cadastral pattern. Typically subdivided ito plots or lots. As plots have been amalgamated to enable the construction of larger buildings, plot sizes have become larger. This process usually occours in one direction only: plots are often amalgamated, but more rarely subdivided. Cadastral pattern is the layout of urban blocks and the public place-movement channels or network between them. The blocks define the space, or the space define the blocks. “Palimpsest” is used as a metaphor for process of changes where current users overwrite, not completely erase, the marks of prior use. An important urban design quality established by the cadastral pattern is that of “permeability” meaning the extent to which an environment allows a choice of routes either through or within it. This is measured by “accessibility”. Visiual permeabilitiy refers to the ability to see the routes through an environment, while physical permeability refers to the ability to move through an environment. In some cases there may be visual but not physical permeability and vice versa. Finely meshed grids offer many different ways to get from place to place within the grid. If grid becomes discontinuous through the severing of connections ad the creation of dead ends, permeability is reduced.
Changes and reactions in morphological structure of public space has led to a shift towards the qualities of traditional urban space. The layout and configuration of urba block structure is important both in determining the pattern of movement and in setting parameters for development. The size and the shape of urban blocks contribute significantly to an environment’s character. Block sizes can be determined by the local context.
As mentioned above, this article focused on form and layout. In general terms, it has showed and discussed block patterns and grid system.
8th Week Summary Submission_1
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
8th Week Summary Submission
Contexts of Urban Design
In this article discusses a set of broad “contexts”-local, global, market and regulatory-that constrain and inform all areas of urban design action. Although these contexts change over time at any particular moment they are relatively fixed and are typically outside the scope of the urban design practitioner’s influence. Hence, in relation to individual urban design projects and interventions, “they have to be accepted as givens.” In a general sense, however, while urban designer can make decisions about a development’s form or visual appreance, they can not change the fact that it is situated in a particular local and global context, or that it occurs within a market economy that is regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
Local context where urban design actions are involved in public realm most is the site itself. “Local” in urban area, consists of recently; technology, finance, quality, unique, choices of people. When technology is considered, we find commuication and transformation behind. Finance is the case of daily face to face relations either in decentralization and recentralization. The other three; quality, unique, people’s choices are all place matters. It is clear that considerations of context are not just concerned with “place” in a physical sense, but also with the people that create and use built environment. Understanding local sociocultural context and cultural differences allows urban places to be read and understood.
Global actions have local impacts, consequances and wise versa. Global context concerns mainly the effect of global warming, changing climate, insufficient resources. Urban designers need to have regard to social impacts and long-term economic viability, as well as environmental impacts. The problem is the tendency to privalege short term urgent needs at the expense of long term important ones. Keynes commentes that, in the market’s view, “in the long term, we are all dead.” According to Lang, technology will always find an answer, urban designers should take an environmentally position, designing flexible environments that enable facilitate choice of cycling, walking, public transit-even though, in short term, people are likely to continue to use their cars.
In market and regulatory contexts, it is mentioned that we all live in market economies. Urban design actions occur within a context depends on forces of supply and demand. In addition, many decisions in market economy have public concequences are made in the private sector. Public sector is long-term interest, because it is no one’s concern. When we consider about choices, it is easy to find out that we are not free in market economy as it is emerged within choice manuplation . In urban area, especially real-estate, as it attracts capital and privatization, mostly for investor; they have tendency to stay close infrastructure. When we consider politicians point of view, they just get profit short term expectations in election clock.
In conclusion, we find out requirements of urban design that respects to “the glocal contexts and the market and regulatory contexts”
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
8th Week Summary Submission
Contexts of Urban Design
In this article discusses a set of broad “contexts”-local, global, market and regulatory-that constrain and inform all areas of urban design action. Although these contexts change over time at any particular moment they are relatively fixed and are typically outside the scope of the urban design practitioner’s influence. Hence, in relation to individual urban design projects and interventions, “they have to be accepted as givens.” In a general sense, however, while urban designer can make decisions about a development’s form or visual appreance, they can not change the fact that it is situated in a particular local and global context, or that it occurs within a market economy that is regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
Local context where urban design actions are involved in public realm most is the site itself. “Local” in urban area, consists of recently; technology, finance, quality, unique, choices of people. When technology is considered, we find commuication and transformation behind. Finance is the case of daily face to face relations either in decentralization and recentralization. The other three; quality, unique, people’s choices are all place matters. It is clear that considerations of context are not just concerned with “place” in a physical sense, but also with the people that create and use built environment. Understanding local sociocultural context and cultural differences allows urban places to be read and understood.
Global actions have local impacts, consequances and wise versa. Global context concerns mainly the effect of global warming, changing climate, insufficient resources. Urban designers need to have regard to social impacts and long-term economic viability, as well as environmental impacts. The problem is the tendency to privalege short term urgent needs at the expense of long term important ones. Keynes commentes that, in the market’s view, “in the long term, we are all dead.” According to Lang, technology will always find an answer, urban designers should take an environmentally position, designing flexible environments that enable facilitate choice of cycling, walking, public transit-even though, in short term, people are likely to continue to use their cars.
In market and regulatory contexts, it is mentioned that we all live in market economies. Urban design actions occur within a context depends on forces of supply and demand. In addition, many decisions in market economy have public concequences are made in the private sector. Public sector is long-term interest, because it is no one’s concern. When we consider about choices, it is easy to find out that we are not free in market economy as it is emerged within choice manuplation . In urban area, especially real-estate, as it attracts capital and privatization, mostly for investor; they have tendency to stay close infrastructure. When we consider politicians point of view, they just get profit short term expectations in election clock.
In conclusion, we find out requirements of urban design that respects to “the glocal contexts and the market and regulatory contexts”
9th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
9th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
9th Week Summary Submission
The Temporal(Time) Dimension
As we see in this article, although it is believed that matter of urban design is only three dimension, urban design actually four dimensional; being time. As Kevin Lynch observes, we experience the time in urban environment in two ways; “rhythmic repetition” (the hearthbeat, breathing, sleeping, hunger, seasons, tides, clocks and “progressive and irreversible change” (growth and decay, not recurrence but alteration) In this article we find out three key aspects of temporal dimension of urban design; “Time cycles and management of activities in space”, “Continuity and stability, “Changing urban design projects and policies”.
Time Cycles are based on natural cycles.(working and leisure time, mealtimes etc.) Cycles of activity are also grounded in the changing season including climate, temparature. Urban designers may deliberately exploit the changing day and the changing seasons to bring greater variety and interest to urban spaces. These add to the richness of the urban experience. Besides, light and ventilation may be consideres in this context. Zerubavel argues that much of our daily lives is structured according to “mechanical time”. We no longer, for example, rise with the dawn and retire to bed at sunset. Organic and functional periodicity are replacing with mechanical periodicity which is dictated by schedule, calender and clock. If these distinctions are eroded increasingly, it results in greater freedom, at least initially, greater uncertainty.
Mixed uses have generally been advocated on the basis that they create more life and activity in a location. While a key element of this is tha spatial concentration of different land uses, activity must also be considered in temporal terms. Urban designers need to understand activity patterns, how to encourage activities through different time periods and achieve synergies from activities happening in the same space and time. A widespread problem is lack of activity in the public realm during the evening and night (dead period) with few uses and activities to attract a broad range of social groups. “24-hour city” concepts are influnced by cities in Europe where they develop cultural policies to revitalise their urban night-life in 1970’s. There are also micro-management issues relating to conflicts between, for example, noise-generating activities (cafe-bar) and noise sensitive activities (city centre residential users)
Stressing continuity of place, as conservation was instrumental in the evolution of the contemporary concept of urban design, many current approaches to urban design attempt to respond to the existing sense of place, rather than a break from the past. When we consider the continuity of place, we should emphasize “social memory”. Rossi discussed the idea of a city’s “collective memory”, where urban form was a repository of culture from the past and for the future. Texture and monuments character and embody the memory of the city.
Involving interventions into existing place, the creation of new places, and management, urban design operates across a number of time frames-almost all of which necessitate a long-term perspective. While desingers may have a relatively short-term involvement in particular development projects, the created environments tend to be used over the long-term. In small scale, incremental change, “mistakes” are small and can be corrected relatively easily. By contrast, in large-scale development, every effort must be made to eliminate “mistakes” because they are much more difficult to correct.
In conclusion part, it is emphasized that the overarching need is for urban designers to understand the implications and impact of time on places. Time involves both change that happens in cycles and change that occurs in progressive, unfolding and irreversible ways.
As we see in this article, although it is believed that matter of urban design is only three dimension, urban design actually four dimensional; being time. As Kevin Lynch observes, we experience the time in urban environment in two ways; “rhythmic repetition” (the hearthbeat, breathing, sleeping, hunger, seasons, tides, clocks and “progressive and irreversible change” (growth and decay, not recurrence but alteration) In this article we find out three key aspects of temporal dimension of urban design; “Time cycles and management of activities in space”, “Continuity and stability, “Changing urban design projects and policies”.
Time Cycles are based on natural cycles.(working and leisure time, mealtimes etc.) Cycles of activity are also grounded in the changing season including climate, temparature. Urban designers may deliberately exploit the changing day and the changing seasons to bring greater variety and interest to urban spaces. These add to the richness of the urban experience. Besides, light and ventilation may be consideres in this context. Zerubavel argues that much of our daily lives is structured according to “mechanical time”. We no longer, for example, rise with the dawn and retire to bed at sunset. Organic and functional periodicity are replacing with mechanical periodicity which is dictated by schedule, calender and clock. If these distinctions are eroded increasingly, it results in greater freedom, at least initially, greater uncertainty.
Mixed uses have generally been advocated on the basis that they create more life and activity in a location. While a key element of this is tha spatial concentration of different land uses, activity must also be considered in temporal terms. Urban designers need to understand activity patterns, how to encourage activities through different time periods and achieve synergies from activities happening in the same space and time. A widespread problem is lack of activity in the public realm during the evening and night (dead period) with few uses and activities to attract a broad range of social groups. “24-hour city” concepts are influnced by cities in Europe where they develop cultural policies to revitalise their urban night-life in 1970’s. There are also micro-management issues relating to conflicts between, for example, noise-generating activities (cafe-bar) and noise sensitive activities (city centre residential users)
Stressing continuity of place, as conservation was instrumental in the evolution of the contemporary concept of urban design, many current approaches to urban design attempt to respond to the existing sense of place, rather than a break from the past. When we consider the continuity of place, we should emphasize “social memory”. Rossi discussed the idea of a city’s “collective memory”, where urban form was a repository of culture from the past and for the future. Texture and monuments character and embody the memory of the city.
Involving interventions into existing place, the creation of new places, and management, urban design operates across a number of time frames-almost all of which necessitate a long-term perspective. While desingers may have a relatively short-term involvement in particular development projects, the created environments tend to be used over the long-term. In small scale, incremental change, “mistakes” are small and can be corrected relatively easily. By contrast, in large-scale development, every effort must be made to eliminate “mistakes” because they are much more difficult to correct.
In conclusion part, it is emphasized that the overarching need is for urban designers to understand the implications and impact of time on places. Time involves both change that happens in cycles and change that occurs in progressive, unfolding and irreversible ways.
13th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
13th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
13th Week Summary Submission
Implementing Urban Design
Awareness of the development process, particularly of the balance between risk and reward that drives it, helps urban designer gain a deeper understanding of both the context in which they operate and the force acting upon the process by which their design policies proposals and projects origiate and are implemented. As they need to argue the case for urban design and more particularly the case for better quality urban design, their arguments can be more pursuasive if informed by this awareness.
In this article, it is focused on the role of urban designer in the development process with four main section; the role of property development and the development process, “pipeline” model of development process, roles and relationships in the development process and issues of urban design quality.
Land and Property Development process involves combination of various inputs; Land, Labour, Materials, Finance in order to achieve an output and product. Classically “entrepreneur” brings these togethert and add values them. Product is change of land use and or a new or altered building, intended to have a higher value than the cost of the transformation. For the process to be profitable, the amount received from sales must be greater than the cost of production. To understand the development process some models are devised.
Equilibrum Models: Development activity is structured by economic signals about effective demand
Event-sequence Model: Management of stages in development process
Agency Models: Actors and their relationships in the development process
Structure Models: Relation between capital labour and land
Institutional Models: Role of events and agencies
Development pipeline model-an event-sequence model- focuses principally on private sector development, the stages and principles are broadly similar regardless of wether the developer is the public sector or a non-profit organisation.
Development pressure and prospects
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Spots opportunitiy
Identifies suitable sites
Provides vision
Prepares master plan for site
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Anticipates development pressure
Spots and promotes development opportunities
Prepares planning policy framework
Provides vision
Prepares development framework
Prepares development brief for master plan for area
Directs and attracts development to suitable sites
Influences developer’s brief forthe site
Development Feasibility
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Carries out feasible study
Provides advice
Prepares design proposals
Negotiates with planning authority
Prepares and submits planning application
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Negotiates with developer
Provides advice
Comments on design proposals
Makes decision on planning application
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Quality of scheme may seal commitment with funders
Ensures quality of development
Influences management of development
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Ensures quality of development
Influences management of development
Implementation; the developer’s ultimate aim is to produce a marketable development: that is, one for which occupiers and or investors are willing to pay a rent or purchase at a price that at least covers development and site costs. The final, implementation, stage includes both construction and sale or lettering. Once implemetation starts, developers lose their flexibility of action. The main task is to ensure that work is carried out at the appropriate speed, cost and quality. In short term, time and cost can crowd out concerns for quality, but in the long term they recede in importance relative quality.
There are 2 sides; “demand” and “suppl”y that “consume” and “produce” the development.
Investors occupiers, regulation, adjacent landowners and general public are in demand side, in long term scale, investors look for profit maximisation, occupiers look for cost minimisation, regulation and general public’s price strategies are neutral.
Landowners, developers, funders, builder are in supply side, in short term scale, their financial strategy is profit maximization.
In conclusion chapter of the article, it is emphasized that public sector-like private sector-rarely operates in isolation, it is the the successful partnership between public and private that, over time, offers the greatest potential for successful, sustainable urban design.
Awareness of the development process, particularly of the balance between risk and reward that drives it, helps urban designer gain a deeper understanding of both the context in which they operate and the force acting upon the process by which their design policies proposals and projects origiate and are implemented. As they need to argue the case for urban design and more particularly the case for better quality urban design, their arguments can be more pursuasive if informed by this awareness.
In this article, it is focused on the role of urban designer in the development process with four main section; the role of property development and the development process, “pipeline” model of development process, roles and relationships in the development process and issues of urban design quality.
Land and Property Development process involves combination of various inputs; Land, Labour, Materials, Finance in order to achieve an output and product. Classically “entrepreneur” brings these togethert and add values them. Product is change of land use and or a new or altered building, intended to have a higher value than the cost of the transformation. For the process to be profitable, the amount received from sales must be greater than the cost of production. To understand the development process some models are devised.
Equilibrum Models: Development activity is structured by economic signals about effective demand
Event-sequence Model: Management of stages in development process
Agency Models: Actors and their relationships in the development process
Structure Models: Relation between capital labour and land
Institutional Models: Role of events and agencies
Development pipeline model-an event-sequence model- focuses principally on private sector development, the stages and principles are broadly similar regardless of wether the developer is the public sector or a non-profit organisation.
Development pressure and prospects
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Spots opportunitiy
Identifies suitable sites
Provides vision
Prepares master plan for site
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Anticipates development pressure
Spots and promotes development opportunities
Prepares planning policy framework
Provides vision
Prepares development framework
Prepares development brief for master plan for area
Directs and attracts development to suitable sites
Influences developer’s brief forthe site
Development Feasibility
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Carries out feasible study
Provides advice
Prepares design proposals
Negotiates with planning authority
Prepares and submits planning application
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Negotiates with developer
Provides advice
Comments on design proposals
Makes decision on planning application
Urban designer’s role; (acting for developer)
Quality of scheme may seal commitment with funders
Ensures quality of development
Influences management of development
Urban designer’s role; (acting for public sector)
Ensures quality of development
Influences management of development
Implementation; the developer’s ultimate aim is to produce a marketable development: that is, one for which occupiers and or investors are willing to pay a rent or purchase at a price that at least covers development and site costs. The final, implementation, stage includes both construction and sale or lettering. Once implemetation starts, developers lose their flexibility of action. The main task is to ensure that work is carried out at the appropriate speed, cost and quality. In short term, time and cost can crowd out concerns for quality, but in the long term they recede in importance relative quality.
There are 2 sides; “demand” and “suppl”y that “consume” and “produce” the development.
Investors occupiers, regulation, adjacent landowners and general public are in demand side, in long term scale, investors look for profit maximisation, occupiers look for cost minimisation, regulation and general public’s price strategies are neutral.
Landowners, developers, funders, builder are in supply side, in short term scale, their financial strategy is profit maximization.
In conclusion chapter of the article, it is emphasized that public sector-like private sector-rarely operates in isolation, it is the the successful partnership between public and private that, over time, offers the greatest potential for successful, sustainable urban design.
12th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
12th Week Summary Submission
UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
12th Week Summary Submission
The Urban Design Process
The RIBA practice and management handbook divides the design process into 4 phases; assimilation, general study, development, communication. By many authorities, it is argued that the designer goes through a series of linked decisions which form a clearly defined squence as analysis, synthesis, appraisal and decision. In this article, importance of concept is also mentioned. In order to understand the role of concepts in design and their relationship it is useful to examine 5 principle pf scientific method; “body of theory” (related to area), “hypotheses” (explains the phenomena studied), “observations” (environment), “emprical generalizations” (derived directly from unique set of observation), “body of decision” (acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses). This scientific process is clear but is open to endless variation due to pressure of time, money and politics.
Designers have been known to start the whole process with ideas for change and interveantion where the scientific method hypotheses are formed; or may start with survey and data collection (classic procedure). At the core of scientific method is asking right questions.(accurately defining problem). The design process is not linear bu dialectical, taking form of an argument between problem and solution. It is central to modern thinking that problems and solutions are seen as emerging together rather than one following logically uponthe other. Urban design involves creative thinking, it would be misleading to assume that this does not apply equally in the field of science. But this would be misleading as solutions can not be generated though logical deduction from thory or indeed that problem exploration is not an outcome of standart design procedures. Fundamental to the urban design process is the generation of ideas and design concepts. Theory may be a productive source of ideas but it is by no means the only one. Urban design has much in common with general planning method; survey, analysis, plan. Urban design method like planning method is related to the main theoretical schools thought; public action in development. Among others (Incremental, Transactive, Advocacy, Radical) The method advocated in this article is Synoptic planning; that urban design is very much in.
Synoptic or Rational-Comprehensive Planning is the dominant planning theory/paradigm today. Synoptic Planning is characterized as
a rational, means-end analysis with formalized goal-setting,
identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives,
implementation of a preferred alternative, and
monitoring of implementation.
To sum up, it appears that the synoptic method of design advocated in this article is an appropriate tool for delivering sustainable development.
The RIBA practice and management handbook divides the design process into 4 phases; assimilation, general study, development, communication. By many authorities, it is argued that the designer goes through a series of linked decisions which form a clearly defined squence as analysis, synthesis, appraisal and decision. In this article, importance of concept is also mentioned. In order to understand the role of concepts in design and their relationship it is useful to examine 5 principle pf scientific method; “body of theory” (related to area), “hypotheses” (explains the phenomena studied), “observations” (environment), “emprical generalizations” (derived directly from unique set of observation), “body of decision” (acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses). This scientific process is clear but is open to endless variation due to pressure of time, money and politics.
Designers have been known to start the whole process with ideas for change and interveantion where the scientific method hypotheses are formed; or may start with survey and data collection (classic procedure). At the core of scientific method is asking right questions.(accurately defining problem). The design process is not linear bu dialectical, taking form of an argument between problem and solution. It is central to modern thinking that problems and solutions are seen as emerging together rather than one following logically uponthe other. Urban design involves creative thinking, it would be misleading to assume that this does not apply equally in the field of science. But this would be misleading as solutions can not be generated though logical deduction from thory or indeed that problem exploration is not an outcome of standart design procedures. Fundamental to the urban design process is the generation of ideas and design concepts. Theory may be a productive source of ideas but it is by no means the only one. Urban design has much in common with general planning method; survey, analysis, plan. Urban design method like planning method is related to the main theoretical schools thought; public action in development. Among others (Incremental, Transactive, Advocacy, Radical) The method advocated in this article is Synoptic planning; that urban design is very much in.
Synoptic or Rational-Comprehensive Planning is the dominant planning theory/paradigm today. Synoptic Planning is characterized as
a rational, means-end analysis with formalized goal-setting,
identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives,
implementation of a preferred alternative, and
monitoring of implementation.
To sum up, it appears that the synoptic method of design advocated in this article is an appropriate tool for delivering sustainable development.
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