5 Haziran 2008 Perşembe

The Temporal Dimension

This article concerns the temporal or time dimension of urban design. İn circulation of time, space turns into a lived-in places.Kevin Lynch focuses on two ways to experience the passage of time.These ways are rhytmic repetiton and progressive and irreversible change.Time and sapce particularly related. For Patrick, Geddes, a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.
İn this artichle three temporal dimensions are discussed. These are;
Time Cycle
The Time Management of Public Space
The Time Management of Public Space

The first dimension is time cycle which is based on natural rhytmic repetition. This process is to form of cycle and affects sleeping and waking and other bodily cycles.Except these, time cycle to originates Earth’s rotation, seasons, rotation around the sun, daytime etc. And also at different times of day and night, the urban enviroment is used different users and different activities.So changing rhtyms of time is significant part of urban design for understanding a life in a day of a space. On the other hand some of time cycles by which we structure our lives have less relation to natural cycles. Zerubavel argues that much of our daily lives is structured according to ‘mechanic time’. These are dictated by svhedule, the celander and the clock.

The secand dimension is The Time Management of Public Space.Mixed uses have generally been advocted on the basis that they creat more life and activity in a location. Different land uses and activity must also concidered in temporal terms. İn different times, different activities provides spaces to used more time and people.So Urban designers can understand activity patternsi how to encourage activities through different time periods and how to achive synergies from activities happening in the same space and time. On the other hand, montgomery stresses that attention to the soft infrastacture of events, programmes and activities is as impotant for sucsesful urban animation as the hard infrastructure of buildings, spaces, streets design.
Another important part to concerned about safely urban spaces. People choose attractive and safe public realm. And there is dead period in city. This time generally is working hours.this stiation arises from 24 hour economy.
The march of time is mentioned about changing of environments. Environments and buildings are shaped by thecnological, economic, social and cultural change.All time physical fabric of a place changes it history. İn this way it becames part of history.Until Industrial Revolution cities were changing in its natural processes but war and destruction provide scale of change to increase.City growth has became mechanical.Then in 1945, slum clearance programmes became. And scale of change was continuitly increase.By the mid 1960s, the social effects were becaming evident and conversation and protection terms oin the areas were exposed. According to contemporary concept of urban place, the unique places and historic environments, buildings must conserve. İn the part of conservation Desdall list more common justifications;Value for aesthetic Value for architectural diversity and contrast.Value for environmental Value for functional diversityResource Value Value for Continuity of cultural memory and heritageEconomic Value Commercial Value
The overlapping concepts o resilience and robustrness are sometimes used interchangeablely, There are impotant differences, however. Resilience is the ağabeylity to resist change wihout undeu deformation: that is, it resists phisical and structure obsolescence. Robutness is the ağabeylity to accommodate change without significiant in physical form. It resists functional obsolescence.Under all these interventions fundamental point is management.

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