22 Nisan 2008 Salı

Contexts of Urban Design


The purpose of the article is to maintain base contexts that constrain and inform all areas of urban design. These are; local, global, market and regulatory contexts. The most important point is that context works together with time but at any particular moment they are fixed and are typically outside the scope of the urban designer.

One of the contextual topic that urban design is effected mostly is the local context. “ Places matter most” quote can summarize the importance of the local context, that explains the unique quality of the spaces established with the cultural, social and individual properties. The contextual response to a space, in an urban design process is so defined by the character of that space which can be low or high as so needs respectful action or progressive action to a new character. As Lang explains the places as levels of terrestrial, animate, social and cultural environments. They have their own effect on the space to be respected. In this sense social and cultural environments are the mental part of the space which is created by the terrestrial and animate environments.

Global context by the way, has the dominant role in the world’s order. The relation between the local and global, urgents the concerns about the action in the design processes which should be more thoughtful not only with the specific area the design is projected but, also respectful or concerning the surrounding environment. Sometimes the short-term necessities or desires may challenge to the long-term decisions that mostly matters more important properties and qualities. Sustainability here, is the important point that the design process should concern.

Market and regulatory contexts are the topics which the design process is mostly effected. They mostly work together. The controller character of the market and governmental occasions, limit the design process, so that the designer could not reverse this conditions backwards or lead them to the advantage of the process. The design process destiny is sometimes defined by the conditions. The location choice, the economical strategy, the future demand and the choice of the individuals are the elements which effect the design process destiny and also which are effected from the regulatory and market conditions as well. As the competitive market strategies define the systems that how will the places work, in terms of economic, and with relation socially. The design of urban places will be effected directly from social structure and indirectly from the economic benefits of the market

The public side aims developments to make better places, and long-term strategies to sustain improvements. However private sector desires the process of production, which effects the every step of their economical strategies.

Urban design here, stucks in between many externatlities which can not be controlled or effected by the designer. The responsibilities to social character and the effect from the public due to economic and market conditions is a chaotic process, which designers had to solve this schema within their place-making, space defining solutions.


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