5 Haziran 2008 Perşembe


This article focuses on the development process in the Project and urban desıgners lacking awareness about this process. And this issue is mentioned under four main sactions as land and property development, the development piple model, development roles and actors and development quality.
Land and Property Development process involves combination of various inputs; Land, Labour, Materials, Finance in order to achieve an output and product in ordar to achive an output or product.This is a classic entrepreneur system.İn this process risk and reward sre important part that drives process.The product is a change of land use and a new or altered building, intended to have higher value than the cost of the transformation. Mıcheal Ball clarifies this process as a function of social relations specific to time and place, involving a variety of key actors suc as landowners, investors, financiers, developers, bulders etc.
In this article , four models provide us to understand this process more easly.These :
Equilibrum Models:Development activity is originated economic signals about effective demand.
Event-sequence Model:focused on the management of stages in the development process.
Agency Models: focusedn the actors and their relationships in the development process.
Institutional Models:focused on organise the relationships and drive the dynamics of process.
The development piple model is an event sequence model that includes urban designers actions such as acting for developer, acting for public sector and satge as development pressure and prospects, development feasibilty and implementation. İn this model summerises urban desıgners role at eachother. The external influences creates development pressure and prospespects which tigger activity within the pipeline. İn the development feasibility is tested in five ways. The first way is ownership constraints that are known from developers. Multiple ownership carry out the Project. Otherwise public sector can be used to facilitate land assembly. Secand way is phisical conditions that determines whether the site can accommodate the proposed development, its phisicah conditions are assessed.A good urban form might be internal and and might limit or determine density, massing and height, guided by. The third way is public procedures that relate to the site and proposed development must be assessedi including the likelihood of obtaining planning/development consent.Contents may also be requared for a range of issues pertaining to land and property ownership; conversation; diversion and actions. The other two ways of development feasibility are market condition and poject viability.
In the developmet process, it is important to identify the actors and development roles in the Project.And two terms are mentioned hat are agency and structure.Agency is the term for rhe way in which development actors define and pursue their strategies, interests and actions, Structure consisting of the economic and political activity and prevalling values, that frame individual decision-making. There are various actors that are developers, landowner,adjacent landowner, funders and investors, funders, funders and investors,development advisers, builders, occupiers, the public sector and last one is community in this article. Defferent actors perform different roles in the dvelopment process. Althouh, fort he purpose of analysis, roles are considered individually, in practice a single actor often performans several roles.
In coclusion, in development process each actors have different thoughts and role in urban projent. These differences effect quality of urban design. In the absence of mechanisms , in contrast to higher architectural quality will be compensated that investment in quality will be compansated by addiitional value.

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