3 Haziran 2008 Salı

12th Week Summary Submission

UD 514 Spring’08 IYTE
12th Week Summary Submission
The Urban Design Process

The RIBA practice and management handbook divides the design process into 4 phases; assimilation, general study, development, communication. By many authorities, it is argued that the designer goes through a series of linked decisions which form a clearly defined squence as analysis, synthesis, appraisal and decision. In this article, importance of concept is also mentioned. In order to understand the role of concepts in design and their relationship it is useful to examine 5 principle pf scientific method; “body of theory” (related to area), “hypotheses” (explains the phenomena studied), “observations” (environment), “emprical generalizations” (derived directly from unique set of observation), “body of decision” (acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses). This scientific process is clear but is open to endless variation due to pressure of time, money and politics.
Designers have been known to start the whole process with ideas for change and interveantion where the scientific method hypotheses are formed; or may start with survey and data collection (classic procedure). At the core of scientific method is asking right questions.(accurately defining problem). The design process is not linear bu dialectical, taking form of an argument between problem and solution. It is central to modern thinking that problems and solutions are seen as emerging together rather than one following logically uponthe other. Urban design involves creative thinking, it would be misleading to assume that this does not apply equally in the field of science. But this would be misleading as solutions can not be generated though logical deduction from thory or indeed that problem exploration is not an outcome of standart design procedures. Fundamental to the urban design process is the generation of ideas and design concepts. Theory may be a productive source of ideas but it is by no means the only one. Urban design has much in common with general planning method; survey, analysis, plan. Urban design method like planning method is related to the main theoretical schools thought; public action in development. Among others (Incremental, Transactive, Advocacy, Radical) The method advocated in this article is Synoptic planning; that urban design is very much in.

Synoptic or Rational-Comprehensive Planning is the dominant planning theory/paradigm today. Synoptic Planning is characterized as
a rational, means-end analysis with formalized goal-setting,
identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives,
implementation of a preferred alternative, and
monitoring of implementation.

To sum up, it appears that the synoptic method of design advocated in this article is an appropriate tool for delivering sustainable development.

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